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Apparently I'm Fat!

August 05, 2009 7 Comments

This according to Vince.

And no, not PHAT as in cool. Hip. Hot.
But fat as in ingesting way more than I'm ejecting.

Okay. And maybe he didn't put it quite that way. Here's what he did say - and this on my cell as I was waking down LaSalle street running errands this morning. For about another month he's still working news with a local station. He was covering the Lincoln Park muggings this morning from Clark and Fullerton.

Vince: You know. I was looking at some old live shots of you from in front of the Cook County building and I I should put that on Facebook. But, naaaah. I wouldn't do that.

Anupy: What do you mean? Were they bad????

Vince: Let's put it this way. This was before you believed in working out.

News flash Mr. Former photographer of mine on the morning shift...I never stopped working out. What I stopped to do TWICE was have kids.

Anupy: So...maybe this was when I was pregnant?

Vince: Um. Uh. Maybe. But I showed it to the other photographer and he said..."THAT's Anupy? No way?"

Anupy: Seriously Vince. If you post anything of mine on the Internet without my knowledge I will have to hunt you down...(Threats I forgot only encourage Vince - he's from the South Side).

So, I spent the rest of the morning stealing looks in restaurant windows...looking at my reflection...sucking my gut in. And those full length mirror-like things along the buildings downtown. One said I looked good. Another gave me a beer belly. Oh man, I thought. I need to pick up the pace. So I walked faster...sucking it in more. And thought about how I'd get even with Vince. My time will come and there will be a way.

But seriously folks. Being pregnant is no small task. It's an even tougher task to get your body back. How many men out there look like they're about to give birth but never hear a word about it? But women - we're always judged on our weight. It's especially hard on women in front of the camera.

I can't tell you how many times someone would run into me and say, "Wow. your face is getting kind of fat now that you're pregnant." Or the classic reaction from the guy in my favorite coffee shop in the Chicago Stock Exchange when I worked for Bloomberg/WGN...We hadn't seen each other in about 6 months. All he said was...."Maaaaaaan You are Huge!" And I said, "Well, I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?"

Now, I didn't have that reaction when I saw him a year later at the courthouse. I was covering a story. He was being sent to prison for a year. Seriously!

So folks give the girl a break. And any video you might just see appear on Facebook or whatever. That's just my fat evil twin!

Now let me get back to eating my bowl of freshly made Kheer (Indian rice pudding). Yum. After 5 tries it finally worked! So the trick apparently is to not let it cook too long and getting the balance between rice and milk just right. I'll write it up and then post it for all you Kheer and Crockpot fans!!!

And I'm excited about all my new tastetesters. Keep your posts coming. I love reading all the feedback.

7 Responses

Indian As Apple Pie
Indian As Apple Pie

August 07, 2009

Hi Vineeta and everyone else. Yes, the paneer was not chunky in the saag because it was really strangely soft when I made it. Making me feel like there's been a change in the milk lately. Otherwise when I have made it in the past it's always very chunky. (I make it from scratch). So..I put it in the paneer an hour before finishing cooking and because it was soft and the paneer was so hot, it fell apart! So good lesson in this one. Back to the drawing board!


August 07, 2009

I looked and saw FB didn't have my post, not sure why. As I told you today the keema was wonderful, whether it was mushroom or soy I don't know, but either way loved it. I also ate it straight from the container cold!! I didn't notice a grittiness to saag but I am planning to eat tonite so will let you know. I was hunting for pieces of paneer, what happened?!? I have a friend coming over tonite and she requested I serve her your daals, keema and saag. Hope to have more raving reviews for you tomorrow. See you Monday! V


August 06, 2009

Hot damned!!! I'll be over tomorrow before work.

Indian As Apple Pie
Indian As Apple Pie

August 06, 2009

Hmmmmm. I won't kill you at all. Likely it needs to be blended a bit better. I kind of noticed that myself. So it's wonderful that you are point it out to me. I will try it again. Argh. Last time I made it with less spinach and it was very smooth. This time I used a ton more spinach so it was a lot for my hand blender to process. Everyone seems to love love love the mock keema. It's one of my favorites too.

And I know Vince was only joking!!!:) (um..I think he was!)

Come over for more food. I have three variations on black lentils.


August 06, 2009

Firstly, what an ass! I think you look quite lovely. Now, on to the food. My good lord woman that mushroom keema was incredible!!!! I honetly couldn't tell the difference between it and the real thing. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. Now, I hope this doesn't get me kicked out of the tasters club, but the saag was not my favorite. The flavors were really good, but it had a weird grittiness to it that didn't sit well with me. I don't know if this is normal and I'm just ignorant to the peculiarities of saag or if something happened, it wasn't my fave. Please don't hurt me.

Indian As Apple Pie
Indian As Apple Pie

August 06, 2009

What a great idea. I will dare him! No…double triple dare. How was the food??


August 06, 2009

well he hasn't seen you working your tail off in boot camp! Tell him to join us one day

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